*** UPDATED *** Should work with Hearthfire now. Sorry about the little mix up! Digitigrade Khajiit gives Khajiit unique, paw-like feet, while Argonian Raptor Feet gives Argonians velociraptor-style claws. This is a little mod which makes the aspenforest near Rifton greener. I created this mod mostly for myself a while back because I liked the idea of elemental visual effects. ), Towns and Villages Enhanced: Villages Redux. Armor/Cloths MIA: Daedric and Ebony Mail requires special attention and will be released in a future update. EveningRip, “After years of spending nights adding & removing mods, ruining saves and game files, I was done… but US changed it all.

As and example, there are 3x-5x more weapons/armors than vanilla Skyrim, so you can see it's greatness.

Adds Amren's House and Uthgerd the Unbroken's house which were accidentally omitted from the previous release. The Modpack can extract up to 60 -70 gigs of data and needs 7zip for extraction. Now with my mod, you can actually see the wrath you unleash on an enemy with a hail of arrows. I likely will not be updating it, so tweak, fix ,integrate and redistribute as you please!! This mod replaces Odahviing with a new high resolution dragon made from scratch. This mod adds new 3d anow in structures un snowy areas, Places: Laintar Dale -Hearthfire Edition-, The Elder Scrolls Places is a mini-series of Lore Friendly mods, each adding locations seen in Skyrim in The Elder Scrolls Chapter I: Arena, _, Project Reality:Climates Of Tamriel - Lite Version. The process of installing a Modlist is designed to be as quick as possible. Even though the mod isn’t being updated anymore, it’s one of the finest eye mods in the Nexus community and one of the most downloaded beauty mods of Skyrim that you can find online. Add many details to Winterhold and make it beautiful! If you enjoy dont forget to rate! Perfect Whiterun. This little mod makes dragons drop more loot.