Moments later, just inside the entrance of the shadowed tomb, Maiev and her Watchers brace themselves for an ambush. Taunting Maiev, Illidan used the artifact’s demonic powers to bring the tomb crashing down around the Watchers, hoping to imprison the Warden in much the same way she had him. Kommentar von McProky You can find more about her Here. Manage your favorite map lists and receive email notifications if a new version was added With this artifact Illidan tried to destroy the Lich King (just Ner’zhul then), but Malfurion, Tyrande and Kael’Thas managed to stop him later. After progressing about a third of the way across the southern portion of the map you'll encounter an Overlord guarding a Demonic Gate. Chains of Domination Review, Shadowlands 9.1. Formerly Maiev's second-in-command who died at the Tomb of Sargeras in Warcraft 3. In Warcraft III, Illidan went to the tomb to get an artifact called the Eye of Sargeras so he could kill the Lich King by destroying all of Northrend, on Kil'jaeden's orders.

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